In GSG’s latest podcast, Officer Scott Rodgville, who recently authored a Baltimore Business Journal article, discusses tips for getting involved with charities from a board perspective.

In today’s world, volunteering is critical. Giving back to your community, or an organization that aligns with your passion, is not only personally rewarding, but it can also provide professional benefits. However, it’s important to consider several key factors before you commit to getting involved in a charity board.

This podcast covers:

  • The importance of an emotional connection with a charity board
  • Identifying a board’s term limits
  • Capitalizing on professional opportunities offered by boards
  • How to get started in board charities

Being engaged in an organization’s mission is just the start. To fully support a charitable organization that fulfills your passion, it’s important to determine your value-add and understand the progression of your role. While there is a lot to take into account, identifying the right match for you will be both personally and professionally rewarding.

Contact us if you’re looking for more information about joining a charity board. You should also follow our blog to keep up with all of the involvement our staff has in the community, including with charities and boards of directors.

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