The multi-family housing marketplace is one of the many industries facing economic challenges amid COVID-19. After experiencing a steady increase in rental rates over the past ten years, the impact of the pandemic has caused rates to flatten and decrease.

However, with the right strategies in place, there are opportunities for the multi-family housing sector to take advantage of in order to bounce back from this uncertain climate. We’ll equip you with the tools you need to choose the right approach.

In GSG’s latest podcast, Jennifer Estrada, Senior Manager of Audit and Accounting Services, covers the following:

  • The state of the multi-family housing market amid the global pandemic
  • Funding opportunities provided by the CARES Act
  • Financial tips for long-term survival

Subscribe to our podcast and listen today to learn the important tactics multi-family housing professionals should take in order to see the industry back on the rise. You can also subscribe to our email list to make sure you get the latest updates on ever-emerging policies that might impact you. We try to keep information simple and accessible to help you determine your own needs, but we’re also always here to answer your questions should you need a professional to talk to.

For questions, contact our team.

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