In part one of GSG’s two-part recruiting podcast series, GSG’s Officer, Scott Rodgville, speaks with two former interns about career advice. Join Senior Manager Jenny Estrada and Staff Accountant Kelly Wolverton discussing their experience and involvement in the recruiting process that originally brought them to GSG.

GSG actively recruits college interns and offers wonderful opportunities for young professionals to launch and grow their careers. The firm is always looking to grow from within, and it starts with the intern program.

It’s intimidating choosing a career path that you’re expected to follow for the “rest of your life.” However, it doesn’t always have to be that way. Take it from Kelly Wolverton, a staff accountant who originally joined the firm as a tax intern. After his internship, he was offered a full time position, but he wanted to explore other opportunities within the firm, so he transferred to a different department, and he has now been a member of the audit team for two years.

We also speak with Jenny Estrada, GSG’s very first intern. Fast forward 15 years later, and she’s now a Senior Manager in the audit department, spearheading all recruiting efforts.

In the following podcast, Kelly and Jenny discuss their experience as former interns who have transitioned to full time hires, and why they have continued their career at GSG.

The podcast also covers:

  • What GSG looks for in an intern
  • The intern onboarding process
  • The ultimate goal for interns

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