By Published On: June 15, 2023Categories: Events

Chances are, you entered the mission-driven sector to further a cause, not become an expert in nonprofit accounting. We get it!

Often due to financial constraints in the industry, people are thrown into the role without much–if any–training at all. Even if you have a bookkeeper maintaining the finances, it’s important that those in a leadership role understand the basics in order to provide clarity to the board and community.

We’re hosting a two-part webinar to cover the basics of nonprofit accounting. If you can’t be present for the live event, your registration will allow you to view the recording. Just make sure to send in your questions ahead of time so we can address them for you.

Register for part 2 here | July 25, 2023 at 12:00 p.m.


Scott Rodgville, CPA, Director, Audit and Accounting Services

Alan Stein, CPA, Director, Audit and Accounting Services

Webinar registration has ended. Please fill out the form below to watch a recording of this webinar.


Questions about nonprofit accounting? Please feel free to reach out to your GSG contact or email us with your question and we’ll make sure it gets to the right person.

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