By Published On: August 22, 2023Categories: PodcastTags:

In our ongoing podcast series with young professionals at Gorfine, Schiller & Gardyn, Katie Rodgville, the Marketing Summer Intern at GSG, shares her experiences and what she learned this summer in her role – in part two of this two part series.

Marketing internships at accounting firms provide wonderful opportunities for university students to get real-world experiences – from webinar and event planning to social media management to email marketing, and beyond.

For Katie Rodgville, GSG’s summer marketing intern, she was able to expand her knowledge in these areas, as well as gained new communications and leadership skills that will transfer over into her leadership role at her sorority.

Here are key highlights from this interview:

  • Where Katie goes to school and what she is studying. (:25)
  • Katie’s key roles and projects this summer as the GSG marketing intern. (1:00)
  • What she learned and new skills she developed this summer. (2:00)
  • How her internship experience will help her leadership role at her sorority. (3:00)

Check out the first part of this interview series, where Katie discusses what she was anticipating to learn in her role at the start of her internship.

If you are a young person looking for a fulfilling career in accounting, please check out our latest job opportunities here.

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