Providers leveraging the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program must successfully navigate a range of federal and state regulations that entail specific compliance and reporting requirements.
We provide for-profit and nonprofit developers, syndicators, investors, and lenders with a range of accounting, tax and business advisory services, including:
Consulting Services
Projections and forecasts
Eligible basis reviews
95/5 qualifying cost reviews
Aggregate basis reviews
Income tax issues
Partnership taxation issues
Financing and affordable housing program application assistance
Agreed-upon procedures (AUP) engagement to certify that more than 10% of the reasonably expected basis costs have been incurred for low income housing tax credit carryover allocation purposes.
Cost Certification Audits
Audits of development costs required by state agencies, HUD, USDA RD and various other regulatory agencies.
Annual Audit and Tax Return Preparation
Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS)
Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS)
Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Rural Development (RD)
Single Audits (OMB A-133)
Compliance Reviews
Ensures compliance with income and rent limitations, procedural requirements for tenant certification and related income verification as well as other regulatory requirement reviews.
Projection Reviews and Consulting
Review of proposed project’s development and/or operations budget to check the reasonableness of the projections and proposed project including compliance with regulatory requirements.
Agreed Upon Procedures Engagements
Performance of tests to report on the achievement of standards required by lenders, investors and/or regulatory agencies.