Published On: June 29, 2015

The International Society of Business Appraisers (ISBA) proudly awarded the Business Valuation Gold Seal of Trust to Gorfine, Schiller & Gardyn, P.A.

ISBA’s Business Valuation Gold Seal of Trust is awarded to firms that demonstrate the highest professional standards of business valuation.  These firms meet or exceed identifiable benchmarks evidencing they are setting a standard of “best practices” in the business valuation profession.  Then prospective clients are able to make informed, logical decisions for engagement, planning, and execution of a business valuation assignment.

CPA and business valuation firms contact ISBA for a Business Valuation Gold Seal of Trust review to examine a firm’s operations and compliance with 11 critical factors which evidence excellence in the profession.  ISBA’s comprehensive and confidential review of a firm demonstrates whether they maintain a high standard of preserving these factors of public trust.  An exemplary business valuation firm champions processes of integrity, quality, and reliability throughout the organization.  These firms also incorporate innovations in client services and set the highest standards and continual measurement and improvements in all areas of the firm.  GSG meets these stringent tests.

“GSG is committed to and executes exceedingly well all aspects of quality work,” stated Howard A. Lewis, ISBA’s Executive Director.  “Their focus on quality is seen clearly in all aspects of operations reviewed, not only in the technical engagement work.  Quality is built into the culture of GSG.  GSG has a keen commitment to training and development of their staff.  GSG’s Business Valuation Unit is an outstanding example of a world-class business valuation firm and is worthy of the ISBA Gold Seal of Trust in Business Valuation,” Lewis said.

Simpson H. Gardyn, CPA, MS, CVA, Managing Officer of GSG, stated when honored, “The Gold Seal of Trust is very aptly named.  Since GSG is a large regional CPA firm in Maryland, we have committed to ongoing peer reviews for our accounting and auditing departments and have received at least 25 years of unqualified quality acknowledgement of our work.  GSG imparts the highest standards and ‘best practices’ accompanied by a tremendous technical effort, research, and analysis for each business valuation enabling our professionals to arrive at the best conclusion of value based on the evidence.”

Ronald D. Rudich, CPA/ABV/CFF, MS, MCBA, CVA/ABAR, MAFF, CM&AA, CMEA, Senior Director of Business Valuation and Litigation Support at GSG, stated, “The ISBA BV Gold Seal of Trust Award is validation we’ve been looking for.  We wanted an external review of our business valuations to determine that (1) we are in fact producing an exceptional business valuation report product; and (2) we could attain a respected award that was backed by an industry respected reviewer and review process that would attest to the public that we may be trusted to provide a credible BV report.  I’m proud to say that we have achieved both of those goals.”

Many CPA and business valuation firms can benefit from ISBA’s Business Valuation Gold Seal of Trust review.  A review is available to all sizes of valuation firms, ranging from the sole practitioner to those with multiple professionals within the business valuation unit.

To see a photo of Simpson Gardyn and Ronald Rudich, please click on:

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