Retirement Planning

Key Updates From the CARES Act

2020-03-27T13:34:55+00:00March 27, 2020|Categories: COVID-19 Resources, Not-for-Profit, Retirement Planning, Small Business, Tax, Tax Planning|

On Wednesday March, 25, 2020, the Senate passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to provide relief for individuals and businesses suffering [...]

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PODCAST | The Impact of the SECURE ACT on Tax Savings and Retirement Planning

2024-10-17T20:45:53+00:00February 11, 2020|Categories: Employee Benefit Plans, Podcast, Retirement Planning, Small Business, Tax, Tax Planning|Tags: |

In this podcast, Melissa West, a Manager of Tax Services at GSG, discusses how the SECURE Act will help individuals save more for retirement. In [...]

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PODCAST | Responsibilities of Fiduciaries and Service Providers for Creating a Successful Retirement Plan [Part 2]

2024-10-17T20:47:27+00:00April 9, 2019|Categories: Audit & Accounting, Employee Benefit Plans, Podcast, Retirement Planning|Tags: |

In part two of the GSG and Greenspring Advisors podcast series, Scott Rodgville and Matt Cellini discuss the value that various service providers offer for [...]

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PODCAST | Responsibilities of Fiduciaries and Service Providers for Creating a Successful Retirement Plan [Part 1]

2024-10-17T20:47:47+00:00April 2, 2019|Categories: Audit & Accounting, Employee Benefit Plans, Podcast, Retirement Planning|Tags: |

In part one of a two part podcast series, Scott Rodgville, an Officer at GSG, speaks with Matt Cellini, a Partner and Senior Financial Advisor [...]

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