Beware of tax scams
It's likely to be a daily occurrence: Your e-mail inbox contains at least one message touting a too-good-to-be-true offer. You probably shake your head and [...]
It's likely to be a daily occurrence: Your e-mail inbox contains at least one message touting a too-good-to-be-true offer. You probably shake your head and [...]
When you own Series EE or Series I savings bonds, you have a tax decision to make. Both types of bonds earn interest monthly. Usually, [...]
In your tax planning, don't overlook how your tax-saving strategies might be affected by the alternative minimum tax. What is the alternative minimum tax? Enacted [...]
With the recent economic downturn experienced by many taxpayers, there is a tax concept that is very important: cancellation of debt. You would think that [...]
Generally, all sources of income are subject to income tax unless specifically excluded. Here are some sources of money that are not taxable: Money received [...]
Tick-tock. Time is almost up on that six-month extension you filed back in April to give yourself more time to complete your 2011 individual income [...]
Here's an important reminder for small nonprofit organizations: If your organization had its tax-exempt status revoked for failing to file an annual return from 2007 [...]
If you want to give your tax record keeping skills a performance boost, do what accounting professionals do. 1. Maintain a separate bank account for [...]
Time is running out to make tax-saving moves for 2012. Here's a sampling of ideas to consider. Maximize the contributions to your employer's tax-deferred retirement [...]
If the current job market has you thinking about starting a business of your own, take some steps to increase the odds that your business [...]