Published On: April 7, 2021

Pat Isaac, Founder and CEO of Capital Services, Inc., and Scott Rodgville, Director of Gorfine, Schiller & Gardyn’s Audit and Accounting Services, discuss four healthcare funding options for nonprofits.

Nonprofits have multiple options for funding healthcare coverage for employees. It is important for organizations to know the differences and benefits for each one, especially when healthcare funding is one of the largest budgeting expenses for nonprofits.

With the demand in labor these days, workers are also demanding more comprehensive benefits, which is why this new package is so important. It helps level the field when its often much harder for nonprofits to compete with better funded for-profit organizations.

When designing a healthcare package, it is critical for CFOs and CEOs to understand which healthcare option presents the best opportunity to meet their organization’s needs and objectives.

This podcast takes a deep dive into four major funding options:

  • Fully-insured
  • Level-funded
  • Shared risk or captive
  • Self-funded

Each of these options are very different, and some of the options allow for the collection of claims data, which can ultimately help to drive internal wellness programs.

Listen to Gorfine, Schiller & Gardyn’s podcast for an in-depth discussion of nonprofit healthcare funding, and contact us here for more information.

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