Published On: January 20, 2023

One of the core pillars of Gorfine, Schiller & Gardyn’s business is supporting the community through its commitment to volunteering through board service, volunteer days and financial support.

As such, GSG executives serve on a wide-range of Boards of Directors, as well as provide volunteer treasury services to a many charitable and nonprofit organizations, all throughout the Baltimore area.

In honor of the firm’s commitment to community, we are showcasing the following comprehensive list of GSG executives and the organizations they support.

 Jim Schiller, Director and Co-Founder of GSG: 

  • Chairman of the Board, National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry (NCSEJ), an organization that advocates for the freedoms and rights of Jews in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic States, and Eurasia.
  • Chairman of the Board, Baltimore Zionist District (BZD), which creates cultural and political programs and educational activities that deal with all aspects of Zionism and modern Israeli life.
  • Chairman of the Board, Americans for Israel (A4I), a General Zionist slate running for delegates in the 38th World Zionist Congress.
  • Member of the Expanded Executive Committee of the World Zionist Organization (WZO), a non-governmental organization that promotes Zionism.
  • Board Member of Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael (KKL), which develops the land for a sustainable future and supports Zionist and environmental education.
  • Board Member of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (COP), a non-profit organization that addresses issues of critical concern to the Jewish community, and the state of Israel in particular.
  • Board Member of the American Zionist Movement (AZM), a federation of Zionist groups and individuals affiliated with the World Zionist Organization.
  • Member of the Finance Committee of Temple Beth El (TBE) Synagogue.

Alan Stein, Director, Audit and Accounting Services at GSG:

  • Treasurer for Karina Association, which builds acceptance and inclusion for those who are disabled in Baltimore City and surrounding counties.

Matt Keefer, Director, Tax Services at GSG:

Aaron Bloom, Director, Tax Services at GSG:

  • Board Member of Manna House, which provides the homeless and poor of Baltimore City with the assistance and support to move towards independence and stability.

Rose Lambert, Director, Audit and Accounting Services at GSG:

  • Member of the Finance Committee of the Carroll County Youth Service Bureau’s (CCYSB), which provides a community-based, comprehensive mental health and substance abuse clinic for children, adults, and families in Carroll County.

Jenny Estrada, Senior Manager, at Audit and Accounting Services at GSG:

  • Board Treasurer for Ari’s Bears, which provides brand-new stuffed bears and other animals to children fighting illness in hospitals and respite houses. Jenny’s daughter’s best friend started this charity when she was 11 years old, while she was going through cancer treatment for Ewing Sarcoma. When she passed in May 2019, her parents decided to continue her mission.
  • Advisory Council for Arrow Child & Family Ministries, which serves children through foster care placement, residential treatment programs and special education schools.

Steven M. Kaplon, Principal, Audit and Accounting Services at GSG:

  • Board and Treasurer of BINU – The Jewish History Foundation, which teaches Jewish History and related topics via lectures, podcasts and occasional field trips. 

Jordan Stein, Staff Auditor at GSG:

  • Treasurer for Congregation Ohel Levi Yitzchok Lubavitch, which is a Synagogue based in Baltimore.

Ruth Ann White, Bookkeeper at GSG:

  • Board Member of Central Credit Union of MD, whose members are VA Maryland Health Care System employees and their families, employees of affiliated businesses and employees of businesses in the Baltimore area.

GSG will continue its mission of giving back in 2023. Please contact us here to learn more about how GSG can help your organization through volunteering opportunities.

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